New GECUBE Graphic Cards to Debut at CeBIT 2005

(Auszug aus der Pressemitteilung)

Taipei, Taiwan March 09, 2005 – Info-Tek Corporation, producer of the leading GECUBE brand name graphics cards, will introduce a wide range of new graphic card products at CeBIT 2005, which include the latest RADEON® X850XT and RADEON® X800XL Uni-Wise graphic cards, GECUBE’s proprietary SilenCool solution, and Digital Home Entertainment products. Members of the public and international buyers at CeBIT will be able to experience firsthand the top-notch performance of GECUBE graphic cards.


Info-Tek GECUBE graphic cards’ exhibition booth is divided into four major themes:

PCI Express Solutions:
The new RADEON® X850XT and RADEON® X800XL are currently the only high-end graphic cards featuring GECUBE’s proprietary Uni-Wise heat dispersion fan, and a unique One-Slot design. This exceptionally designed fan reduces noise by up to 20dB, providing users a low-noise, high-quality operating environment.

GECUBE SilenCool Solutions
GECUBE SilenCool graphic cards feature a heat-dispersion system that does not use a fan, which allows for a completely noise-free environment. SilenCool graphics cards also have a One-Slot architecture that fits easily into a Mini PC – yet another feature that will attract consumers to this high-quality, high-performance solution.

GECUBE AGP Solutions
These outstanding graphic cards have established a new standard for the ultimate graphic performance and realistic visual experience. GECUBE offers the most complete range of ATI® graphic card products in the market today, which enhance 3D games and impress with their superb performance.

GECUBE Home Entertainment Solutions
The GECUBE TV CINEMASTER 550PRO, the world’s first PCI-E TV capture card with a built-in MPEG encoder and decoder, allows you to enjoy the pure visual impact of home theater on your PC.